From 30th September 2019 to 2nd October 2019, BioApps’ representatives, Ilya (GM), Raafi (Sales) and Shahrul (Marketing) joined MTDC Technology Conference & Exhibition event at Pullman Bangsar. Kuala Lumpur. This event theme is ‘Engineering An Industry 4.0 (i4.0) Ecosystem’. There were many companies involved in this event to get new knowledge from the event. BioApps joined the event to gain insights and learn how successful companies are using technology to do their work and management by using i4.0.

The Fourth Industry, the Fourth Revolution, Industry 4.0 or Revolution 4.0 – they are all the same thing and we need to keep up with it.
But what is it? To put it simply, it is the new approach to combining traditional manufacturing processes and technology such as the Internet of Things (IoT) to improve automation, communication, and use of real-time data. The term Industry 4.0 was said to have been used in Germany as early as 2011. However, it only started to gain attention when it was announced during the 2016 World Economic Forum that the world was at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution.
Industry 4.0 is said to be based on the digital revolution. However, what distinguishes it from Industry 3.0 is the connectivity between digital technology and humans as well as other physical systems.
Industry 4.0 is about cyber-physical systems and systems that can connect the digital world with biological systems like humans through the internet.
In Industry 3.0, the technology doesn’t communicate directly with humans but with Industry 4.0, there is a two-way connection between humans and electronics. This makes humans a part of technology.
Electronic devices use the data derived from humans to execute its functions better. This is what’s happening with smartphones, smart TVs and smart homes.

YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai said about the speed of technology. Malaysia is among the countries forging ahead with the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
One of the core technologies of Industry 4.0 is Artificial Intelligence or AI. Through AI, a system is created to learn from its surroundings and use that data to connect humans, physical tools and the digital world.

Apart from that, one of MTDC Staff explained on AVAS fund. This provides the platform for companies with commercially ready prototypes, to aim for and attain world class status by providing products and services of international standards.
Some photos during the MTDC event.