2012- The Effects of a Prophylactic Knee Brace and Two
2012- The Use of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Applications.The State-of-the-Art and Ongoing Research Topics
2012- Transtibial prosthetic socket pistoning Static evaluation of Seal In X5 and Dermo Liner using motion analysis system
2012- Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension-Less Pistoning Versus Easy Donning and Doffing
2012- Clinical Evaluation of Two Prosthetic Suspension Systems in a Bilateral Transtibial Amputee
2012- Clinical Investigation of the Interface Pressure in the Trans Tibial Socket with Dermo and Seal-In X5 Liners During Walking and Their Effect on Patient Satisfaction
2012- Effect of Milwaukee brace on static and dynamic balance of female hyperkyphotic adolescents
2012- Effect of vacuum assisted socket and pin suspensions on socket fit
2012- Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of a New Prosthetic Suspension System with Two Existing Suspension Systems for Lower Limb Amputees
2013- The capability of fiber bragg grating sensors to measure the tran-tibial amputees stump socket interface pressure
2013- 100 top-cited scientific papers in limb prosthetics
2013- An experimental study of the interface pressure profile during level walking of a new suspension system for lower limb amputees
2013- Development and Evaluation of New Coupling System for Lower Limb Prostheses with Acoustic Alarm System
2013- Influence of Functional Knee Bracing on the Isokinetic and Functional Tests of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient Patients
2013- Kinematic Comparison of the Wrist Movements that are Possible with a Biomechatronics Wrist Prosthesis and a Body-powered Prosthesis. Disability and Rehabilitation
2013- Satisfaction and problems experienced with transfemoral suspension systems a comparison between common suction socket and Seal In liner
2014- Transtibial prosthesis suspension system Systematic review of literature
2014- Are the Spatio-temporal Parameters of Gait Capable of Distinguishing a Faller from a Non- faller Elderly
2014- Clinical Implication of Interface Pressure For A New Prosthetic Suspension System
2014- Comparative study between Dermo, Pelite and Seal-In X5 liners Effect on patient s satisfaction and perceived problems
2014- Development and performance of a new prosthesis system using ultrasonic sensor for wrist movements a preliminary study
2014- Development of Microgripper using Smart Piezoelectric bimorphs
2014- Evaluation of new suspension system for limb prosthetics
2014- Gait biomechanics of individuals with transtibial amputation effect of suspension system
2014- Intelligent Screening Systems for Cervical Cancer
2014- Interface pressure in transtibial socket during ascent and descent on stairs and its effect on patient satisfaction
2014- Postural stability characteristics of transtibial amputees wearing different prosthetic foot types when standing on various support surfaces
2014- Prosthetics socket that incorporates an air splint system focusing on dynamic interface pressure
2014- Quantitative analysis of human ankle characteristics at different gait phases and speeds for utilizing in ankle-foot prosthetic design
2014- Review Of The Socket Design And Interface Pressure Measurement For Transtibial Prosthesis
2014- Role of Morphological Structure, Doping, and Coating of Different Materials in the Sensing Characteristics of Humidity Sensors
2014- Technology Efficacy in Active Prosthetic Knees for Transfemoral Amputees A Qualitative Evaluation
2014- The effects of prosthetic foot type and visual alteration on postural steadiness in below-knee amputees
2014- The Effects of Suction and Pin Lock Suspension Systems on Transtibial Amputees Gait Performance
2014- Transfemoral Prosthesis Suspension System
2015- Interface Stress in Socket Residual Limb with Transtibial Prosthetic Suspension Systems During Locomotion on Slopes and Stairs
2015- The effect of Dermo and Seal-In X5 prosthetic liners on pressure distributions and reported satisfaction during ramp ambulation in persons
2015 – Re Re Quantitative and qualitative
2015- Detection of Prosthetic Knee Movement Phases via in- Socket Sensors A Feasibility Study
2015- Evaluation of postural steadiness in below-knee amputees when wearing different prosthetic feet during various sensory conditions using the Biodex® Stability System
- 2015 – Comparison study of the prosthetics interface pressure profile of air splint socket and ICRC polypropylene socket for upper limb prosthetics
- 2015 – Design and biomechanical performance analysis of a user-friendly orthotic device
- 2015 – Lower extremities biomechanics of regular stair climbing : Slim versus Obese
- 2015 – Fabrication and characterization of DLC coated microdimples on hip prosthesis heads
- 2015 – Parametric study of radial functionally graded femoral prostheses with different geometries
- 2015 – Effect of Geometrical Parameters on the Performance of Longitudinal Functionally Graded Femoral Prostheses
2016- A comparison of pressure distributions between two types of sockets in a bulbous stump
2016- Development and Validation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Pad for Interface Pressure Measurements Within Prosthetic Sockets
- 2016 – The limits of stability and muscle activity in middle-aged adults during static and dynamic stance
- 2016 – Techniques for Interface Stress Measurements within Prosthetic Sockets of Transtibial Amputees: A Review of the Past 50 Years of Research
- 2017 – Prosthesis donning and doffing questionnaire: Development and validation
- 2017 – A new prosthetic alignment device to read and record prosthesis alignment data
- 2017 – Clinical evaluation of a prosthetic suspension system: Looped silicone liner
- 2017 – Optical fiber Bragg grating-instrumented silicone liner for interface pressure measurement within prosthetic sockets of lower-limb amputees
- 2017 – Analysis of voluntary opening Ottobock Hook and Hosmer Hook for upper limb prosthetics: a preliminary study
- 2017 – Analysis of Interrelationships among Voluntary and Prosthetic Leg Joint Parameters Using Cyclograms
- 2017 – An anthropomorphic transhumeral prosthesis socket developed based on an oscillometric pump and controlled by force-sensitive resistor pressure signals
- 2017 – Effect of stump flexion contracture with and without prosthetic alignment intervention towards postural stability among transtibial prosthesis users
- 2017 – A Pilot Study on Physical Performance Measures: What is Better for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients, Orthosis or Gait Modifications?
- 2018 – Sensorless control system for assistive robotic ankle-foot
- 2018 – Interface Pressure of Lycra Orthosis at Different Postures in Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- 2018 – Combined effects of knee brace, laterally wedged insoles and toe-in gait on knee adduction moment and balance in moderate medial knee osteoarthritis patients
- 2018 – Effects of different foot progression angles and platform settings on postural stability and fall risk in healthy and medial knee osteoarthritic adults
- 2018 – Improvement on upper limb body-powered prostheses (1921-2016): A systematic review