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Prosthetic & Orthotic Solutions

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Welcome to BioApps

We’ ve built a long standing relationship based on trust.

BioApps provides prosthetic and orthotic services to patients from Universiti Malaya’s Medical Centre and all other public and private hospitals in Malaysia. Amputees come to us to get their artificial limbs, custom made shoes, and custom made insoles.

Patients also come to us to get supportive devices for their ankle and foot, like our famous Shoulder Support, Knee Support, Ankle Support, HealPro and TED Stockings. Our Certified Prosthetists and Orthotists will make sure our customers are treated accordingly based on their needs by providing them individually with an in-depth consultation and a suitable device for their daily use.

What Is Special About Bioapps?

Led by Senior and Experienced Academicians

BioApps is led by senior and experienced academicians who have looked into the breadth and depth of the theoretical aspects of prosthetics and orthotics construction and application.

Innovative Advanced Studies

BioApps researchers have been doing innovative advanced studies and published many academic research papers in established international journals and have been recognized as well as awarded the prestigious Forcheimer Prize by ISPO.

Declared by a Reputable International Journal

BioApps’ research outputs on prosthetics have also been declared by a reputable international journal as the world’s number two in terms of publication, second only to the USA.

Patented Various Research Outputs

BioApps had also patented various research outputs which are applied into its products to take them beyond the normal standard, thus commercializing its research findings to benefit the general public.

Uses World-Class Laboratory Set-ups

BioApps also uses world-class laboratory set-ups to quantitatively evaluate and monitor the performances of its devices and the comfort of the patients donning them.

Partners Of

Prosthetic & Orthotic Facilities

Personalized patient care using modern facilities is what sets BioApps apart from its competitors. When you visit our centre in Menara Selatan (PPUM), you can expect to receive world class care. Expert physician specialists and caring clinical staff provide you with an exceptionally modern patient care.

Pre / Post Consultation

A consultation with a doctor or other expert is a meeting with them to discuss a particular problem and get their advice.

Consultation is the process of getting advice from a doctor or other expert.


Measure is defined as finding out the length or capacity of something using a rule or standard, or to compare or judge. An example of measure is using a ruler to find out the length of a piece of paper.

Casting & Fitting

Casts and splints are orthopedic devices that are used to protect and support fractured or injured bones and joints. They help to immobilize the injured limb to keep the bone in place until it fully heals.

Gait Training

Gait training is a set of exercises that are specifically implemented by your physical therapist to help you walk better.

The exercises involve improving motion in your lower extremity joints, improving strength and balance, and mimicking the repetitive nature of your legs that occur while walking.